What a tangled web we weave
This little spider has been building webs in our gate way. I found the first one with my face at 4am about 3 weeks ago. It stubbornly rebuilds every day or night that is. You can enlarge the image and see it up in the corner out of the rain. 1
Happy Birthday Snoopy!
So Snoopy our hero is a bit over 73 years old that would put him in the realm of 511 years old! I seen other people say things like he is 55 going from his first published birthday. But really he is older remember Snoopy’s original owner was a little girl name Lila, who bought…
Meet Cal or Ancalagon the Black
Cal is Roberta’s newest snake named after the dragon Ancalagon. The Mexican black kingsnake (Lampropeltis mexicana) is a species of non-venomous kingsnake found in Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is a relatively small snake, growing to an average length of 2-3 feet, but some individuals can reach lengths of up to 5 feet.…
Fucking A It’s Friday. Two days off is just not enough! Before we have to start again. Flying speghetti monster save me!
Support the trades it says!
Am I the only one that gets pissed off about this kind of crap? Carhartt work ware has the promotion going “Support the trades”. Where they pretend to still be making clothing for the working class. You know tee shirts that run nearly 40 dollars and jackets that run more than 100 dollars. Stuff the…
Tractor Supply Company Store 2252 has baby chicks again!
For all those dumb asses who can’t use a web browser but somehow can dial a phone yes they have baby chicks again.
Abby My Big Baby!
12 years old my best friend is getting up there in age. She still is the best ball player in the family. Yes the mention of ball and she is ready to go, rain, snow it doesn’t matter. We don’t play out in the feild anymore but the back yard is enough room to work…
It was the hard knocks life
Lexie is a strange cat. Let it be known beyond a doubt the cat is strange. To start with I have to be honest and admit that this is my cat. That in itself makes her strange because I never wanted a cat! I would not have one today if the cat had not adopted…